One 2 One
ONE 2 ONE is a seven-lesson personal discipleship guide to help facilitate conversations to jumpstart someone’s walk with God. It is a tool to engage people, communicate the gospel to them, and help them follow Jesus. The goal of going through ONE 2 ONE with someone is not to finish the booklet—it’s to help them know and walk with God.
Preparing for Victory
in the Faith
Part 1
Preparing for Victory Weekend is a seven-lesson personal Bible study guide that prepares participants for a Victory Weekend class.
Victory Weekend
in the Faith
Part 2
The Victory Weekend manual has twelve chapters and is what the participants use to follow the teaching during Victory Weekend. Victory Weekend is a two-day class to help participants understand and walk in the freedom Christ won for us at the cross.
Church Community
in the Church
Church Community is a study guide to help believers understand church life. It is a three-hour class that gives an overview of what the church is, what our movement is called to do, and how to be a part of it. It has five chapters.
The Purple Book
in the Word
Part 1
The Purple Book is a personal Bible study guide for establishing biblical foundations for building strong disciples. It has twelve chapters, and each chapter has four or five lessons. It is designed to help believers develop the discipline of reading God’s Word and giving believers an overview of God’s Word on the basic topics of Christianity, such as: sin and salvation, Lordship and obedience, and repentance and baptism.
The Purple Book Study Guide
in the Word
Part 2
The Purple Book class helps establish biblical foundations. It’s also a twelve-lesson study guide based on The Purple Book, wherein the key points of each lesson in The Purple Book will be reemphasized and explained to the participants.
Making Disciples
Helping others
follow Jesus
Making Disciples is a six-hour class to equip believers to minister. It has nine chapters.
Empowering Leaders
Helping others
become leaders
Empowering Leaders is a three-hour class to empower disciples to make disciples. It has six chapters.